Event - Anything else

back to section start!
  If you got to this bit, it means that we received an event we don't know 
about.  Time for you to brush up on your ARexx skills and add more :) 
  1        otherwise 
  2          nop 
  3        end 
  5      lister set handle busy off 
  6      call reply(packet,0) 
  7      end 
  8    end 
  9  end 
 1 - 3  The Otherwise statement in the Select...When conditional block, we 
        received an event we didn't recognise, so we do nothing. 
 5      Turn off the busy state of the lister. 
 6      Reply to the message packet we received, YOU MUST DO THIS!!!! 
 7 - 9  End of 'if packet...'. 
        End of 'if waitpkt...'. 
        End of 'do until...'. 

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